What is Marigold?

Botanical Identity Cover-02.png__PID:1c2cd833-20ed-4332-83fc-30482d491e18

Botanical Identity

Tagetes erecta Linn, also known as Marigold, belongs to the Asteraceae family, is a flowering plant native to Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru. Besides its primary names, including Aztec marigold and Mexican marigold, it goes by various aliases such as African marigold, American marigold, and saffron marigold. Additionally, in the Chinese language, it is referred to as Wan Shou Ju (万寿菊). Today, it's widely cultivated for its vibrant flowers, with numerous cultivars used in ornamental gardening and the cut-flower industry. This herbaceous plant can reach heights between 20 and 90 cm, featuring cylindrical roots and striated stems with aromatic resin channels. Its flowers, typically yellow to red, are grouped in small heads and bloom prolifically from summer to fall. Tagetes erecta thrives in various ecosystems, from tropical deciduous forests to pine-oak forests, and it's also cultivated in regions outside its native range, including China, India, and Australia, showcasing its adaptability and universal appeal.

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Traditional Uses of Tagetes erecta

Tagetes erecta, revered for its multifaceted medicinal properties, has been harnessed for traditional healing practices across the globe. Documented usage spans from Guatemala, where it has been utilized in phytomedicine to combat respiratory ailments such as pneumonia, asthma, and tuberculosis, to India, where its flowers are employed in treating various skin conditions including wounds, burns, and ulcers. In Indian traditional medicine, T. erecta extracts are administered alongside common salt and minerals to alleviate kidney-related issues, offering relief from blocked urine. Furthermore, the leaves of this plant are utilized for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Across Spanish and French herbal medicine, Tagetes erecta finds application as an external remedy for its detersive, resolutive, and vesicant properties. Notably, communities in Madagascar recognize its antimalarial potential, while in Rodrigues Island, fever resulting from infection is addressed through the consumption of an infusion made from its flowers. Through centuries of traditional use, Tagetes erecta continues to serve as a versatile and valued botanical resource in global healing traditions.

Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Activities of Tagetes erecta

In recent years, Marigold has gained prominence in various medical applications due to its extensive array of therapeutic properties. Traditionally revered for its medicinal attributes, Marigold, scientifically known as Tagetes erecta, has been harnessed across cultures for centuries. Beyond its traditional uses, Marigold has garnered attention in modern pharmacology for its diverse pharmacological activities. These include its antimicrobial properties, antioxidant effects, anti-plasmodial activity against malaria parasites, and potential as an antidepressant and anticancer agent. As research continues to unveil the intricate mechanisms behind Marigold's therapeutic potential, its role in contemporary medicine is poised to expand, offering new avenues for improving human health.

Icon 1-02.png__PID:78b02acc-457f-4d52-95f7-7990561eac6a

Anti-bacterial activity

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Anti-microbial activity

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Anti-cancer activity

Icon 4-02.png__PID:cc457f6d-52d5-4779-9056-1eac6ae33d2f

Anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity

Icon 5-02.png__PID:457f6d52-d5f7-4990-961e-ac6ae33d2f68

Anti-oxidant activity

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Antiepileptic activity

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Hepatoprotective activity

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Anti-diabetic activity

Icon 9-02.png__PID:d5f77990-561e-4c6a-a33d-2f68f930374f

Anti-depressant activity

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Insecticidal activity

Icon 11-02.png__PID:7990561e-ac6a-433d-af68-f930374facea

Wound healing activity

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Mosquitocidal activity

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Anti-fungal activity

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Medicinal Uses and Pharmacological Activities of Tagetes erecta

In recent years, Marigold has gained prominence in various medical applications due to its extensive array of therapeutic properties. Traditionally revered for its medicinal attributes, Marigold, scientifically known as Tagetes erecta, has been harnessed across cultures for centuries. Beyond its traditional uses, Marigold has garnered attention in modern pharmacology for its diverse pharmacological activities. These include its antimicrobial properties, antioxidant effects, anti-plasmodial activity against malaria parasites, and potential as an antidepressant and anticancer agent. As research continues to unveil the intricate mechanisms behind Marigold's therapeutic potential, its role in contemporary medicine is poised to expand, offering new avenues for improving human health.

Icon 1-02.png__PID:78b02acc-457f-4d52-95f7-7990561eac6a

Anti-bacterial activity

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Anti-microbial activity

Icon 3-02.png__PID:2acc457f-6d52-45f7-b990-561eac6ae33d

Anti-cancer activity

Icon 4-02.png__PID:cc457f6d-52d5-4779-9056-1eac6ae33d2f

Anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive activity

Icon 5-02.png__PID:457f6d52-d5f7-4990-961e-ac6ae33d2f68

Anti-oxidant activity

Icon 6-02.png__PID:7f6d52d5-f779-4056-9eac-6ae33d2f68f9

Antiepileptic activity

Icon 7-02.png__PID:6d52d5f7-7990-461e-ac6a-e33d2f68f930

Hepatoprotective activity

Icon 8-02.png__PID:52d5f779-9056-4eac-aae3-3d2f68f93037

Anti-diabetic activity

Icon 9-02.png__PID:d5f77990-561e-4c6a-a33d-2f68f930374f

Anti-depressant activity

Icon 10-02.png__PID:f7799056-1eac-4ae3-bd2f-68f930374fac

Insecticidal activity

Icon 11-02.png__PID:7990561e-ac6a-433d-af68-f930374facea

Wound healing activity

Icon 12-02.png__PID:90561eac-6ae3-4d2f-a8f9-30374faceacd

Mosquitocidal activity

Icon 13-02.png__PID:561eac6a-e33d-4f68-b930-374faceacde7

Anti-fungal activity